A man presenting on stage with a microphone, accompanied by two others, one holding a drum
Three people posing in Rebirth Garments clothing
Ladybug Studios drop-in session with two kids on throwing wheels
Design Justice design workshop
person sitting on a roof with a laptop and wireless networking equipment
Production shot from Take Me Home with the crew filming an actor

We are a network of people and projects, rooted in Detroit and connected to hundreds of other places across the globe. Together, we grow and exchange ways of using media to create the world we need.

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Rooted Collective speaker at rally

Our media includes all the ways we communicate with the world. Our liberation is an ongoing process of personal, collective, and systemic transformation.

Sponsored Projects Program is accepting new projects in 2024!

We are excited to open our services to new projects in Spring 2024. As of now, we are seeking to work with projects with a revenue of $500,000 and above based in Detroit or nationally. Detroit based projects at $100K and above are eligible to apply. We are only able to accept a small number of projects, so please stay tuned for future opportunities to apply!

Sponsored Projects FAQ

Allied Media Library

  • DAYUM Abolition Zine

    In the summer of 2023, DAYUM  youth participated in a 6-week Abolition Museum with our partners from Wayne…

  • Design Justice Network Hub Zines

    Design  — whether it’s the creation of graphics, the layout of a website, or drafting the blueprints of…

  • A People's Guide To Tech

    What does listening to music, booking a flight, and getting stopped by the police all have in common?…

  • Survived & Punished Resources

    Survived & Punished is a national coalition of survivors, organizers, victim advocates, legal advocates and attorneys, policy experts,…

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Joyful nighttime photo of a crowd of multiracial people surrounding a performer on stage.
Photo by Ara Howrani

AMP envisions and attempts to model a world in which we, collectively:

  • Care for ourselves, each other, other species, and the planet

  • Dismantle supremacist systems as they operate upon us and within us

  • Assume Responsibility for creating new liberatory ways of being

  • Cultivate life-affirming joy