AMC2015 brought together over 2,500 activists, artists, and media makers from around the country and the world for four days of transformative media-based organizing. While AMCers engaged in hands-on workshops, skillshares, meetups and more, the conversations started in Detroit continued online through social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and Vine.
We’ve read through the conversations and ideas that surfaced online through the approximately 5,000 public tweets and 2,379 Instagram posts that used the hashtag #AMC2015. We uncovered some unique threads and emerging themes across people, places, and content at AMC2015, which we’ve compiled into “Three Tweet Stories” (although some were so good we included a fourth tweet). Dive into AMC2015’s social media parallel universe at the link below!
Click the preview image below to read our Storify from the 17th annual AMC.