The Equitable Internet Initiative is Hiring App Development Trainers for the “Next Gen Apps Youth Program”
Words by Detroit Community Technology Project
The Equitable Internet Initiative (EII) is hiring app development trainers for the Next Gen Apps Youth Program. EII is a collaboration between the Detroit Community Technology Project (DCTP), Allied Media Projects (AMP), Grace in Action Collectives, WNUC Community Radio, and the Church of the Messiah’s Boulevard Harambe Program. EII is working to ensure that Detroit residents have the ability to leverage digital technologies for social and economic development.
About the Next Gen Apps Youth Program
The Next Gen Apps Youth Program is a free 4 week training program in app development for the gigabit environment being offered to 20 young people in Detroit’s Southwest, Islandview, and North End neighborhoods. The Next Gen Apps training provides digital literacy, coding, and app development skills to middle and high school aged students, then facilitates apprenticeships between graduates and local technologists.
The program consists of two phases:
- Phase one (4 weeks) will teach app development concepts and basic coding skills such as CSS, HTML, GitHub, and JavaScript, and server-side concepts.
- Phase two (6 weeks) will provide an opportunity for six graduates from each neighborhood of phase one to go on and build applications that help solve problems, foster collaboration, and fuel creativity within their neighborhoods. As part of this phase, youth will receive mentorship and coaching from local technologists and will earn a laptop upon completion of the program.
Learn more about the Next Gen App Development Training here.

About the Next Gen Apps Development Training Position
Next Gen Apps Youth Trainers will be placed at one of the three EII anchor organizations. They will co-teach both phases of the program with another trainer, using EII curriculum. EII will provide an intensive training in community technology pedagogy and Next Gen Apps curriculum prior to the start of the program.
This is a contract position for $25 per hour with the expectation of 15 hours ( including prep and training) of work per week over the course of 16 weeks, starting August 29, 2017 and running until December 17, 2017. The total stipend will be $6,000.00.
Mandatory training dates:
- Community Technology Pedagogy training: 8/29, 8/30, 8/31 from
- 10am-3pmNext Gen Apps Curriculum training: 9/6, 9/7, 9/8 from 10-3pm
Specific Responsibilities
Support with recruitment of youth from the surrounding neighborhood of the anchor organization where you are placed, and of local technologists to serve in the role of app development mentors.
Teach Next Gen Apps Training Phase One. Phase One will have a maximum of 20 students at each site and will include 24 training hours over four weeks.
Manage an application and selection process for six youth apprentices who will participate in Phase Two.
Teach Next Gen Apps Training Phase Two. Phase Two will have a maximum of six students at each site and will include 60 mentoring hours over six weeks, plus additional one-on-one coaching time.
Support the production of an end-of-program celebration and workshop where youth apprentices teach their neighbors how to use the apps they built.
Support general program administration, including:
- curriculum and instructor evaluations.
- communications with students and apprentices as needed.
- development of instructional materials as needed.
- storytelling using the #gigabitdetroit hashtag.
- Two or more years experience as a technology educator
- A strong desire to work with youth in Detroit neighborhoods
- Excellent organizing and management skills
- Ability to work collaboratively, as well as independently
- Ability to lead and facilitate the development of web applications from conception to completion
- Fluency with CSS, HTML, GitHub, and JavaScript, and server-side concepts
- Familiarity with Detroit’s neighborhoods and the community organizing landscape
- Familiarity with Detroit’s Southwest, Islandview, and North End neighborhoods
- Being from one of these neighborhoods is a plus
- Background or training in positive youth development
- Familiarity with popular education theories and practices
- Experience with community-based programming is a plus
- Experience with teaching diverse audiences is a plus
- Experience teaching in traditional or nontraditional educational settings
- Experience designing web applications
How to Apply
Send your cover letter, resume, and three references to no later than midnight, August 11th. Please make sure to identify which neighborhood you would like to work in (Southwest, Islandview, or the North End). We ask that you apply to the neighborhoods you are familiar with and show that familiarity in your resume or cover letter somehow.
Learn more about the goals of the Next Gen Apps Youth Training Program by visiting the Detroit Community Technology Project’s (DCTP) website!