See how Chrysalis Creative Team members are connecting and convening their folks
Thanks to everyone who tuned in to our Living Room Session livestream!

We appreciate all of your thoughtful questions and feedback to the scenarios we presented as possibilities for future AMCs. In case you missed it — or want to relive it — click here for the archived video of host RV Mendoza in conversation with Allied Media Projects Executive Director Jenny Lee and AMC Content Coordinator Nadine Marshall.
Our session was but one part of a larger series inviting AMCers to share what they need from the conference and provide feedback on the next shape of the conference. Each member of the Chrysalis Creative Team has also organized their own sessions, based on the communities they want to convene and the best ways to do so.
To preserve their intimacy and intention, these CCT sessions are community-specific and invite-only. But for the sake of growing transparency, we’re happy to share some basic information on who will be gathering and what will be discussed.
Do you have further thoughts or feedback? Please email us directly at
Living Room Sessions Hosted by the Chrysalis Creative Team
Shey Rivera’s Living Room
This virtual living room session convenes artists and organizers working in Puerto Rico. It will explore how artists from Puerto Rico have experienced AMC, what needs have come up, how we can contribute to a transnational lens at AMC, and how we can activate media-making, land justice, and art within AMC to amplify the radical and innovative activism taking place in the island.
Catalina Nieto’s Living Room
This virtual living room session convenes language justice practitioners working for language access. This session will explore what would it take to have a multilingual AMC and how to incorporate language access and language justice into AMC.
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha’s Living Room
This virtual living room session convenes the AMCs Disability Justice (DJ) community. This session will explore the embodied experience with DJ organizing at AMC — what has made it an exciting and amazing space to do DJ organizing while community building through media making, what’s been challenging, and how we can centralize access and DJ as we build the new AMC.
Halima Cassells’ Living Rooms
Intergenerational Participation at the AMC
This Detroit living room convenes Detroiters over 50 who have participated at the AMC. This living room session will explore how AMC can become more accessible to our elders and what content or spaces need to be created to encourage intergenerational participation.
Detroit Magic
This Detroit living room convenes Detroiters who are healers, stylists, and body adorners. This living room session will explore how the AMC can become a space amplifying cultural work taking place in the city.
Ora Wise’s Living Room
This in-person living room session convenes a crew of long-time AMC participants from multiple backgrounds and focus areas, plus a handful of food justice workers living in New York City.
Eryka Marie’s Living Room
This Detroit in-person living room convenes previous vendors and performers at the AMC. This group will help us to find the best ways to engage our night time event venues and make them better partners, how we can program most effectively and the ensuring that we are using the Safety Team and Volunteers to create a positive experience for attendees.
Jade Begay’s Living Room
This virtual living room session convenes Indigenous media makers. It will engage in how AMC can better honor and center indigenous folks throughout conference spaces and programming.
Ligaiya Romero’s Living Room
This in-person and virtual living room session convenes documentary filmmakers of color working to decolonize documentary, journalists of color, media-based organizers and youth media educators. This session will explore how media-makers of color can use the AMC to organize together, using their collective power & wisdom to disrupt harmful dominant narratives and decolonize documentary.
Zena’s Living Room
This Detroit in-person living room session convenes youth living in Detroit and past youth participants of the youth organization Detroit Summer.