AMC2018 will mark 20 years of the Allied Media Conference. To be held June 14-17, 2018, in Detroit, the 20th Annual Allied Media Conference will be a space to explore new forms of organizing, infused with creativity and deep listening, and synergy between diverse tactics. We are now seeking your proposals for sessions!
From “Learning Liberation” to “Digital Futures of Consent” to “Indigenous Rising: Media as Resistance”, AMC2018 will feature a dynamic range of more than 30 unique focus areas that explore the imaginative strategies we need for joyful and sustainable activism.
When you propose a sessionfor the AMC, you can associate it with one of the AMC’s Tracks or Practice Spaces, or offer it independently as part of our “General Track”. Learn more about all of the AMC2018 Tracks, Practice Spaces and Network Gatherings and read the calls for participation linked below. Then, submit a proposal of your own!
The deadline for submitting your session proposal is March 16, 2018 at 11:59pm EST.

A Focus on Media-based Organizing
“Media-based organizing” is the common thread that connects the rich variety of topics explored by the AMC’s tracks, practice spaces, and network gatherings. Media-based organizing is any collaborative process that uses media, art, or technology to address the roots of a problem and advances holistic solutions towards a more just and creative world. Coordinators of each track and practice space will be reviewing session proposals with a special eye towards how the session incorporates or explores the practice of media-based organizing.
Learn more about media-based organizing here.
Tracks and Practice Spaces Call for Participation
The Tracks and Practice Spaces of the AMC are looking for diverse and engaging session ideas. We especially love sessions that share interesting ideas, strategies, and tools in an accessible way, and that offer opportunities for continued work and connections beyond the AMC.
- A “Track” is a series of sessions connected by a shared theme.
- A “Practice Space” is a hands-on open studio space dedicated to a creative practice such as dance, screen-printing, or technology-building that spans the four days of the conference.
The coordinators of each track and practice space have written “calls for participation” that invite you to share your session ideas. You can read all the calls for participation at the links below. Once you are ready to propose, go here to fill out the form and submit your session idea. Remember, if your idea doesn’t fit with the specifics of these tracks or practice spaces, you can always propose it to the General Track. Learn more about the types of sessions you can propose here.
- Resourcing and Sustaining Our Movements Track
- Radical Libraries, Archives, and Museums Track
- Indigenous Rising: Media as Resistance Track
- Shaping Stories, Shifting Power Track
- Magic as Resistance Track
- Digital Futures of Consent Track
- Learning Liberation Track
- Let’s Play! Kids Track
- Healing Justice Track
- Movement Journalism Track
- Design Justice Track
- FERMENT Food Track
- Poetry and Storytelling for Freedom Track
- RAD Care Beyond Social Justice Track
- Research Justice Track
- General Track
Practice Spaces
- Healing Justice Practice Space
- People’s Pop-up Media Shop Practice Space
- Community Art as Community Defense Practice Space
Network Gatherings
Network Gatherings are day-long mini-conferences convened by local or national networks on the Thursday of the AMC. Network Gatherings are either open or invite-only. Some Network Gathering have written their own calls for participation, which you can view below. If you would like to propose content ideas to one of these Network Gatherings, please contact the coordinators directly via the contact information provided in the call for participation.
- Mobilizing Our Resources Network Gathering
- The Media Consortium Re-Launch Network Gathering
- FemTechNet Network Gathering
- Movement Lawyering Network Gathering
- Fat Lovin’ Media Futures Network Gathering
- Interlocking Roots QTBIPoC* Food Justice Network Gathering
- Swana Creators Network Gathering
- SPEAK: Decade of Women of Color Media Makers Network Gathering
- MAG-Net Membership Assembly Network Gathering
- Immigrant Food Stories Network Gathering
- Cultivating Independent Mission-Driven Media-Makers Network Gathering
- Detroit Housing Justice Network Gathering
- Facilitation for Liberation Network Gathering
- NQTTCN AMC Network Gathering
- Bodies in Resistance Network Gathering
You can see a full list of all the Network Gatherings taking place at the AMC here.
Never presented at a conference before? Have questions?
We encourage proposals from groups who don’t often attend conferences and we are prepared to support you to lead an awesome session.
We will be hosting three online information sessions about the AMC session proposal process on:
- February 17 at 6:30 p.m EST
- March 9 at 1:00 p.m. EST
- March 9 at 7:00 p.m. EST
Call info: 669-900-6833Meeting ID: 220 961 4991
Email us with questions at

What makes a good AMC session?
The AMC is especially excited about sessions that uplift voices that are marginalized or less often heard, such as: Detroiters, youth and elders, parents, immigrants, queer and trans people, Indigenous communities, black people and people of color, deaf, disabled and chronically ill people, non-conventionally educated people, poor/economically disadvantaged people, sex workers or people working outside the conventional economy, and formerly incarcerated people.
We prioritize sessions that include presenters who are great representatives of the topics being discussed and explored. For example, sessions exploring youth-based media making should ideally include a young person as a lead or co-presenter.
We will be accepting sessions that offer a range of learning opportunities: from beginner to advanced.
Here are some more guidelines for what makes a good AMC session:
- A clear connection to media-based organizing.
- Holistically explores solutions that span the internal, interpersonal, and systemic dimensions of a problem
- Result in tangible resources and strategic next steps
- Values the expertise of people most impacted by a problem to solve that problem
- Creates collaboration and connection. We love AMC sessions designed by multiple organizations or individuals, and that connect to an ongoing organizing process that extends beyond the conference.
- Aims to be accessible to as many people as possible, people of diverse abilities, experiences, ages, and backgrounds.
- Hands-on, creative, imaginative, and fun
We can’t wait to hear your ideas for making this year’s conference the best AMC ever!