Design Justice Network
International community rethinking design processes so they center people who are often marginalized by design

The Design Justice Network is a home for people who are committed to embodying and practicing the Design Justice Network Principles. (You can sign on here)
We wield our collective power and experiences to bring forth worlds that are safer, more just, more accessible, and more sustainable. We uplift liberatory experiences, practices, and tools, and critically question the role of design and designers. Rooted in a sense of abundance, possibility, and joy, we provide connection, care, and community for design justice practitioners.
We envision futures where design is used to support care, healing, liberation, joy, and deep sustainability. We dream of worlds in which design is truly led by the experiences and brilliance of those who are marginalized by interlocking systems of oppression. We also know that birthing dreams requires discomfort and moving beyond good intentions.
As the DJN steering committee & network coordinators, we intend to:
- Cultivate a deeply interconnected network. We do this by decentralizing power, sharing resources, and remaining adaptable enough to dismantle systems of oppression.
- Advance and embody the design justice principles in practice. We do this by practicing community-led design and sharing stories and critical reflections.
- Amplify experiences of joy throughout the network. We do this by convening and collaborating as a growing community.
The Design Justice Network is now organized according to how people and organizations engage with the network — as signatories, members, working group participants, and local nodes. The Design Justice Network’s base is our signatories (folx who have signed onto the Design Justice Principles ), and currently, there are over 2700 signatories. Signatories can engage more deeply within the network by becoming members, serving on the Steering Committee, volunteering for a Working Group, and/or organizing a Local Node.
This zine is the third installment of the Design Justice Network’s annual zine. Design Justice Issue 3 explores Design Justice in Action.
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Wesley Taylor (Virginia/Detroit)
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Staff, Node & Working Groups Manager
Steering Committee
Elena Silvestrini (Rome, Italy)
Steering Committee
Staff, Special Events Manager
Get Involved

You can get involved in many ways: become a signatory and a member, volunteer for a working group or local node, attend an event, and sign up for our newsletter. To get started, check out our Get Involved overview page.
Design Justice Principles in Action
How are you using the design justice principles in your work, and are you willing to share a story with us? Send us a note at: