Donate to Black Bottom Archives
We are so grateful for your support! Thank you for considering making a donation. We invite you to join the BBA Squad and become a monthly or annual sustainer for as low as $5/month to contribute to BBA’s sustainability and growth.
Your donations keep us going! They make sure we can have:
- Salaries, stipends and other ways to compensate folks who do work for and contribute to BBA
- Maintenance of our websites
- Public programming like the Black Bottom Street View exhibit, Archival Fellowship, and workshops for the Black Bottom Digital Archive
As an alternative to making a payment online, you can donate by sending a check made out to Allied Media Projects with “Black Bottom Archives” in the memo line. Checks should be mailed to the following address:
Allied Media Projects
4731 Grand River Avenue, Suite 400,
Detroit, MI 48208
In addition to monetary donations, we welcome your support of BBA through in-kind offerings of your special skills, expertise or time. You can use this form to sign on to be a BBA Volunteer.