AMP Seeds is Sunsetting
AMP Seeds was born out of the desire to support the ideas and people championing those ideas within the larger Allied Media Projects community. The AMP Seeds program (which holds the Presenter Management service) has provided values-centered support for a visionary roster of presenters and producers, bringing together visionary minds from across the AMP network for dialogue, resource sharing and reflection.
Allied Media Projects has made a shift to focus its work towards the fiscal sponsorship of our Sponsored Projects Program and the 100+ people and organizations doing the work of media for liberation. With that we have made the difficult and necessary decision to sunset the AMP Seeds program and the Allied Media Conference (AMC). This program will continue supporting speakers and their activities through November 30, 2023; and sunset by 2024.
Change has always been — and will continue to be — a key part of our ongoing path toward mutual liberation. While AMP is sunsetting the AMP Seeds program and AMC, this transition will not disrupt the core of what we do.
More than ever, we remain committed to our mission. All existing contracts will be honored during this transition. Starting immediately any booking inquiries for 2024 will not be accepted by AMP Seeds, and should be sent directly to speakers via their own communication channels, linked below.
Walidah Imarisha • adrienne maree brown • Scott Kurashige • AirGo Radio • Sasha Costanza- Chock • In Our Names • Mariame Kaba •
• Motor City Street Dance Academy •
Andrea J. Ritchie • Tawana Petty • Healing by Choice • Autumn Brown •
Detroit Community Technology Project • Pink Flowers
What Presenters are Doing through 2023
adrienne maree brown continues weaving the ideas of emergent strategy with pleasure activism, transformative justice, radical permission, collaborative imagination and more through her new eponymous project at Allied Media Projects!
Check out Sasha Costanza- Chock’s latest publication in the inaugural issue of the journal Critical AI Critical AI and Design Justice: An Interview with Sasha Costanza-Chock and her latest talk at The Conference.
Motor City Street Dance Academy’s Fall schedule is live! Registration Links available here.
Autumn Brown will be releasing her debut album, The Animal in You, on all major platforms in January 2024! Stay informed and book Autumn here.
Pink Flowers will present at the 2023 North American Student of Cooperation Institute conference, November 10th-12th, 2023, on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor. Pink is available for in-person engagements and workshops on Pleasure Activism, body politics, and conflict response, through her website notoriouspink.org.
Scott Kurashige is finishing a book on the problem of anti-Asian violence, which flared up during the Covid-19 pandemic but has deep roots in America’s history of imperialism, xenophobia, racism, and white supremacy. While many are just learning about this issue, Scott has been confronting anti-Asian violence as a community organizer, scholar, and teacher for over three decades, and is happy to provide lectures, workshops, or consultations on this issue that can be catered to a wide variety of audiences. Scott continues to be available for lectures, workshops, and consultations on the revolutionary theory and activism of James and Grace Lee Boggs, race and equity in higher education, history and social movements in Detroit and Los Angeles, the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, Black/Asian and interethnic relations, and general topics in Asian American and U.S. history.
In Our Names is hiring a full time remote Communications Specialist. Apply by October 31, 2023!
They have also launched the Survivor’s Fund offering mini grants to individuals targeted by racialized & gendered violence and criminalization. Contact Executive Director Lauren Williams Batiste with any questions, if you or someone you know is a survivor of police violence.
Stay up to date about all the ways they are fighting to create a just world for Black women, girls, trans and queer people, free from police violence. Follow @inournames on all social media platforms and learn more here.
Tawana Petty continues her work as a visionary organizer, facilitator, poet and author, primarily focused on racial justice, equity, privacy, and consent. For the next two years, she will serve as a Just Tech Fellow with the Social Science Research Council while expanding the programming of her non-profit, Petty Propolis, a Black woman-led artist incubator. Tawana can be reached at tawana@pettypropolis.org or through the website tawanapetty.org.
Congratulations to Andrea J. Ritchie on the launch of her latest book, Practicing New Worlds: Abolition and Emergent Strategies, the latest in the Emergent Strategy Series curated by adrienne maree brown.
Find out more about the book and the 10 days of launch events at bit.ly/PracticingNewWorlds. Grab some beautiful cover-art inspired swag benefiting AMP friends Let Us Breathe Collective, Queer the Land, APIChaya, and Creative Interventions!
It has been a pleasure and honor working with you all, and it is with immense gratitude that we wish you all the best moving forward.