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12 Recommendations for Detroit Funders
Allied Media Projects and Detroit People’s Platform are excited to present “12 Recommendations for Detroit Funders,” a set of guidelines for how local foundations can…Read more
December 15, 2015
Remembering Ron Scott - Watch Video from AMC2010
We join our wider community in mourning the passing of Ron Scott, spokesperson for the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality and a founding member of…Read more
December 14, 2015
Critical Connections in the Pod and Beyond: an Interview with Complex Movements
Complex Movements is a Detroit-based artist collective that includes Wesley Taylor, Waajeed, Invincible/ill, Carlos “L05” Garcia, and producer Sage Crump. Their current project, “Beware of…Read more
November 12, 2015
Live Stream of the Grace Lee Boggs Memorial on October 31
Detroit philosopher-activist Grace Lee Boggs passed on October 5, 2015 at 100 years old. Grace was a mentor and inspiration to many of us at…Read more
October 29, 2015
Where Media Justice and Transformative Organizing Overlap
AMP is thrilled to share this report produced by the Transformative Media Organizing Project (TMO), in collaboration with the MIT Center for Civic Media and…Read more
October 6, 2015
The Allied Media Conference: A Place for Strategic and Visionary Media-based Organizing
The glue that holds the incredibly diverse content of the Allied Media Conference together is media-based organizing. Media-based organizing is any collaborative process that uses…Read more
October 5, 2015
Meet the Community Technology International Seed Grantees
We are excited to introduce the 11 seed grantees awarded funding in 2015 for community-controlled communications infrastructure projects. The Open Technology Institute and the Detroit…Read more
October 4, 2015
Propose a Track, Practice Space, or Network Gathering for AMC2016
Help shape the 18th annual Allied Media Conference, coming up June 16-19, 2016! You are invited to submit a proposal for an AMC2016 track, practice…Read more
September 24, 2015
AMC2016 Track, Practice Space, and Network Gathering FAQS
Here are some answers to your frequently asked questions about coordinating a track, practice space or network gathering for the next Allied Media Conference. The…Read more
September 24, 2015
The Opening Data Zine is Here!
The Detroit Community Technology Project (DCTP) and the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition (DDJC) are excited to present the Opening Data zine. The Opening Data zine…Read more
September 17, 2015
The AMC2015 Opening Ceremony
We are excited to share this video recap from the AMC2015 Opening Ceremony. You can also watch the full-length version, produced by Philly CAM, here.…Read more
September 2, 2015
Building the Community Tech Movement at the 2015 Allied Media Conference
On June 18th, 2015, at the 17th annual Allied Media Conference, over 90 people attended the first ever Community Technology Network Gathering. The event was…Read more
September 1, 2015
Thanks for your AMC2015 Feedback and Reflections! Here’s What We Learned...
“AMC is clearly a living entity, improving and growing each year, like an organism itself – it sits in and owns its imperfection and its…Read more
August 25, 2015
AMC2015 Social Media Roundup
AMC2015 brought together over 2,500 activists, artists, and media makers from around the country and the world for four days of transformative media-based organizing. While…Read more
August 20, 2015
Video Highlights from AMC @ Night
Every year the Allied Media Conference presents musical acts and performances exploring the intersection of art and social change. This year, we organized “AMC @…Read more
August 18, 2015
Detroit Future Schools Data Murals Project: What Stories Can We Tell From Data?
During the 2014-2015 school year, Detroit Future Schools completed two “data mural” projects in Detroit schools, supported by the Knight Arts Challenge and the Michigan…Read more
August 7, 2015
The Black Lives Matter Movement Convenes at AMC2015
At the 17th annual Allied Media Conference, the Black Lives Matter movement was in full focus and force as organizers convened their first-ever national network…Read more
August 4, 2015
AMC2015 in Photos
We can’t believe it’s been over a month since AMC2015! We’re excited to share these photos with you, which were taken by Detroit-based photographers Ara…Read more
July 31, 2015
Create NED: A Community Revitalization Project in Northeast Detroit
Allied Media Projects is excited to announce that we are a recipient of ArtPlace America’s 2015 National Grants Program. ArtPlace, one of the nation’s largest…Read more
July 21, 2015
Check out the new Re(Building) Technology Zine and read an excerpt!
The Detroit Community Technology Project, in partnership with the Open Technology Institute, presents the Re(Building) Technology Zine, a collection of tools, stories and practices that…Read more
July 15, 2015