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"Love Is The Message, The Message Is..." Zine
Shrine of the Black Medusa (SBM) celebrates Black culture and history, queer magic & hoodoo divination. Their mission is to connect people and ideas across…Read more
"What Makes Me ME?" Zine
People in Education’s (PIE) “What Makes Me ME?” was inspired by middle schoolers from Burton International Academy, inviting youth to explore who they are through…Read more
Sapelo Square's Holistic Election Wellness Toolkit
This presidential election has many in our communities feeling confused, anxious, uncertain and afraid. These feelings are the product of direct efforts to spread misinformation,…Read more
Visions of Ancestral Resilience
“This is the time when we should feel limitless, to focus on the Black excellence, from the beginning of time.” -Lottie V. Spady
Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop: Making it Happen No Matter What!
“We must have a vision, to walk towards the future that we want to see, and we must have a practice in order to make these things happen. And I think we could all find that within the arts.” -Diana Nucera
Black Mothering: Surviving and Adapting during a Pandemic
“I'm grateful to black moms every single day, every minute of every day for the work you all do.” -Andrea Ritchie
Better Futures: Visioning In A Time of Crisis
“We absolutely need imaginative spaces like visionary fiction, that allow us to say, what if?” -Walidah Imarisha
Deep Work
“I don't even consider myself to be a musician. The real work in my life is about collective healing and transformation.” - Sterling Toles
Ancestral Ceremonies
“This is not a film. This is a ritual. This is Black queer alchemy.” -Liz Kennedy
Performance as Resistance
"The one thing that you always need with resistance is always look at yourself and be proud of the fact that you made it to another day to keep fighting, to keep pushing, to keep being yourself." - Junior Mintt
Dismantling Barriers with The Undocumented Filmmakers Collective
"Look at us as collaborators. We're not subjects. We are not subjects." -Dorian Gomez
Reimagining Safety
"Can we just have a really honest conversation. Just a really honest conversation. Can we take the anger out just for a second? Just long enough to have a conversation. A meeting of the hearts and minds." -Myrtle Thompson-Curtis
Undocumented and Unafraid
“I want to be free, and I want our people… to have small joys, and big joys , and everything in between… To travel, to be, to love. That’s my dream. It’s our collective dream.” – Patrice Lawrence
Youth Power
“If we really care about our young people then that means you care about protecting the future, that they're going to be here longer than we will.” – Adrienne Ayers
Wisdom of Small Joys
"So often the scars are the detritus of attempting not to be the Earth. It's the violence that arrives from separation." - Ross Gay
Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot Deck
Created by Casey Rocheteau in 2014, the Shrine of the Black Medusa (SBM) Tarot celebrates Black culture, queer magic and hoodoo divination. It is a…Read more
Rock Paper Scissors Zine
People in Education (PIE) is a media arts organization that facilitates space for connection, curiosity and reflection. Media artists-in-residence are brought into learning spaces to…Read more
Issue #5: How to make a local Design Justice node
The “How to make local Design Justice node” zine provides organizing tips and resources to help current or aspiring DJN members create and grow local…Read more
Issue #4: Acción Política + Design Justice.
“Acción Política + Design Justice” és un zine (#4 de 5) publicat pel Design Justice Network. Les persones que treballaven al zine eren: Directora: Marta…Read more
Issue #3: Design Justice for Action
Published by the Design Justice Network (DJN), “Design Justice for Action” is a zine focused on how designers can support social justice. It is the…Read more