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Staying Ready
Beloved community, We are here. We are with you. Over the next days and weeks we will be reconfiguring everything — how we work, how…Read more
March 17, 2020
The Chrysalis Continues
AMP’s transition to Co-Executive Directorship When the Allied Media Conference decided to enter a year-long period of reflection, known as the Year in Chrysalis, it…Read more
January 28, 2020
2020 Visions
How we’re grounding in our work this new year This time in January can feel like a kind of liminal zone — a time between…Read more
January 27, 2020
Introducing: Ethics & Aesthetics
Ethics & Aesthetics DNA hosted screenings and dialogues as part of our Learning Journey. The goal of this new programming was to build more intentional…Read more
December 18, 2019
Help sustain our work through 2020!
To our beautiful community, In 2019, you were a part of the most significant growth in our organization’s history. After our largest conference ever in…Read more
December 17, 2019
AMC2020 call for sessions is now open!
Session proposals are due February 4, 2020 at 11:59 EST. Introducing: New content areas For AMC2020, we’re excited to offer two broad thematic areas reflective…Read more
November 20, 2019
Propose a Network Gathering for AMC 2020!
Are you a network of people or organizations using media for liberation? Does your network need a home in which to grow? If so, come…Read more
September 17, 2019
Thank You, Mo!
Wisdom from Morgan Willis At the end of July, the inimitable Morgan Mann Willis celebrated their last day as the Associate Director of Allied Media…Read more
August 15, 2019
Our wings have formed: Announcing the biennial Allied Media Conference!
Thank you to the many people who participated in the past year of AMC in Chrysalis. You helped us explore and answer the big questions…Read more
August 1, 2019
News and updates from Detroit Community Technology Project
Detroit Community Technology Project — one of AMP’s founding Sponsored Projects — has undergone much growth and change over the last several months. Leadership transitions…Read more
July 29, 2019
Request for proposals: New website for AMP and AMC
Call for website redesign proposals Thank you to everyone who participated in our website co-design sessions and surveys earlier this spring! Thanks to your input,…Read more
July 23, 2019
Thank you, Diana!
A celebration of Diana Nucera and her work Diana Nucera — founder and former director of the Detroit Community Technology Project (DCTP), former co-director of…Read more
July 11, 2019
About the LOVE Building
At the intersection of Grand River Ave. and 15th Street in Detroit’s Core City neighborhood, there is a four-story brick building covered in murals. The…Read more
June 21, 2019
A web metamorphosis is on the way
Save the date for May 10th and May 16th, both from 1pm EST to 2pm EST! We’ll be hosting collaborative online sessions to gather your…Read more
April 30, 2019
More on the AMC in Chrysalis Living Room Series
See how Chrysalis Creative Team members are connecting and convening their folks Thanks to everyone who tuned in to our Living Room Session livestream! We…Read more
April 25, 2019
Welcome to Our Living Room
Beautiful AMC community: Welcome to our living room! Please join AMP Executive Director Jenny Lee and AMC Content Coordinator Nadine Marshall for an intimate, virtual…Read more
April 4, 2019
AMP has a New Mission and Vision
Cultivating Media for Liberation Over the last several months, we started our organization-wide Chrysalis process by revisiting our mission, vision, and goals. We needed to…Read more
March 28, 2019
One Chrysalis Leads to Another
The growth and evolution of the AMC is a microcosm of larger changes within the organizational body of AMP as a whole. Since becoming a…Read more
March 28, 2019
Hiring: Co-Director for Detroit Narrative Agency (DNA)
About Us The stories we tell about a place form a kind of DNA– shaping what that place is and what it can become. The…Read more
March 18, 2019
AMP is hiring a Communications Manager
Allied Media Projects cultivates media strategies for a more just, creative and collaborative world. We serve a network of media makers, artists, educators, and technologists…Read more
February 20, 2019